Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A beautiful paint job LEGEND OF THE BLACK PEARL. I'm not sure that I'd want to spend $25,000 for it, but the owner of the truck likes it.

It's a gorgeous truck, isn't it?

Look at the ghost ship. It even appears to be a ghost.
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Legend of the Black Pearl

I'm not sure why all of the photos didn't show up, but I'm working on it. I may have to post them to my web site and then send the URL here so you can check it all out. Johnny Depp is on the other side of the truck. WOOHOO!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

An interesting thing I saw just today...for those blogger idiots like myself...

I believe that I shall refer to this often. LOL

Top Hat Designed

Ok, so I got around to designing that top hat. Here's a picture of it. I used a multiple of colors so it's difficult to see the detail. I'll eventually get around to doing another one in a solid color and post it as well.

I'll be putting the pattern up for sale on my web site as soon as I get it proofed.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Here's the web site

Yes, this is a blogg, but I think that it'll do nicely for what I want it for. At least, I think that it'll do great for right now.

Someone asked about me designing a top hat that 'scrunches' for them. As soon as I get a pic so I can understand what they mean about that 'scrunching' activity, I'll get started on designing it.

Anybody else have any requests out there?

Here, I'll put up some pics of some of the things that I've designed. The patterns, here, will be free for the taking to do with as you please....EXCEPT to sell. The other web site that I'm working on will be for sale items as well as freebies.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A pic of me

I figured that you might want to see a pic of me so that you know who it is that you're talking to.

First Entry

One rarely knows what to write on the initial post. I'm no different. But, here is where I'll be posting a bit of what I'm doing, where I've been and where I'm going. I'll include pics where I can. I hope you enjoy the scenery that I pass along the highways and byways of the US and Canada.

I'll also be posting pics of some crocheting/knitting and other crafts that I'll be working on. Oh, I just made my first card (for my mom) since I was a kid. I call it my 'goshed-awful, should've been 5 yrs old' card. No, I'm not posting a pic of that one. LOL I'll consider it kind, on my mom's part, if she doesn't throw it away immediately.